Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I like the way this paint is on the canvas, but I don't like the way the people look on this picture. The baby and the mother in the painting reminds me of Mary and Jesus. This painting has a lot of things that are great , but I would not take it home because it is to bland for me, there is not a lot of action going on in the painting.
This was my favorite piece of artwork. This piece is my favorite because it reminds me of the baby Jesus. I also like how the paint is thick. I also like the detail of the people in the picture. It seems like it is the paint on the painting is very thick and it is there is a lot of shadow to bring out the dimensions in the painting.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Meet an artist I know

The artist that I interviewed is named Veloria Isac, and she is an artist here at the University of West Georgia.

Question 1. What made you wan to become an artist?
Answer: I major in graphic design and they must take art classes to get their degree.
Question 2. What age did you want to become an artist?
Answer: I started drawing at the age of 10.
Question 3: What materials do you use?
Answer: Charcoal pencils, pastels, and drawing pencils.
Question 4. Are there any artist that you looked up to when you were growing up?
Answer: No
Question 5: What different types of things do you like to include in your artwork?
Answer: I like to include people and nature.

My poetic eye

I believe that there is too much violence in the world and that we as people need to unite and stop fighting over things that are not that serious, and these photos are different ways to express peace.

My favorite artist

My favorite artist is Kanye West, I believe that he is a great musical artist. He has many great beats, and his lyrics are great. I think that graduation was his best album.

My right and left brain

My favorite studies are math and science, and On my left side of my brain I like to
that is why I am a physics major and I plan on look at the new hip hop fashions that
becoming a mechanical engineer. are out, and right now it is the 80's

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I love this architeture

I like this building it is very abstract, and it would catch your eye if you passed it. It makes you want to go inside, and it is very different from any other building that you may see on an everyday basis.